Annie and Lottie

Many times the question has been asked, "Did Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong know each other?  So this was a very interesting article.  And the answer is Yes! They did!

At the 2007 Southern Baptist Convention, WMU® received a very special gift: an original letter written by Lottie Moon. Lottie Moon wrote this letter to Annie Armstrong to thank her for collecting money to send missionaries to China.

The letter looks like this:


Here's a closer look at all three pages:

Here’s a close-up of Lottie's script. Can you read it?

The letter says . . .

P’ingtu, China,
Jan. 9, 1889.

My dear Miss Armstrong,

I write to thank the Executive Committee for the hearty response they have made to my appeal for more workers for P’ingtu. I urge that the new missionaries be sent out immediately. I am holding on, after more than eleven years of work, at considerable risk of permanent injury to health. Yet I must not leave until others are here to take over the work.

After the new missionaries arrive, there must be preparation on their part & delay on mine. Therefore, the sooner they come, the better. Please listen to no suggestion of delay. The two should be in Tungchow in June at the latest. Then they could come out with me in the autumn to P’ingtu & make acquaintance with their field. Write me in advance when they will arrive, so that I can arrange to have them met, or meet them in Chefoo.

A two years’ supply of clothing is all they need bring. They should have abundance of heavy flannel underclothing. The climate of Shantung is colder in winter than it is in the same latitude in America. I suggest that they bring sheets, pillow cases, blankets &c.

Please say to the new missionaries that they are coming to a life of hardship, responsibility & constant self denial. They must live, the greater part of the time, in Chinese houses, in close contact with the people. They will be alone in the interior & will need to be strong & courageous. If “the joy of the Lord” be “their strength,” the blessedness of the work will more than compensate for its hardships. Let them come “'rejoicing to suffer” for the sake of that Lord & Master who freely gave his life for them.

Hoping soon to welcome them to the field,

Yours for the work,

L. Moon
