When Frustration Sets In Acts 18: 1-17
We can see frustrations as an opportunity to draw closer to the Lord and be strengthened.
l. We must recognize reasons for frustrations V 5-7
a Buildup of high stress situations (in a relatively short time) for Paul, a move v1,
job being bi-vocational v3
b Unrealized expectations V5b, 7
c Dealing with human nature V4
ll. We must recognize the results of frustration V9-10
a Fearfulness v9a, actual or perceived
b Withdrawal - give up V9b
c Despair V10
lll. We must recognize the Remedies to frustration - four fold
a God's Promises in His Word V9-10, Paul needed to hear this
b God's Presence V10a I am with you
c God's People V5a, 10b, Lighten the load for one another (Gal 6:2)
d God's Perseverance V9b, 10b, 11
When the world is out of control, or doesn’t make sense, remember we have the remedy to Frustration