For the past year the church council has been working on giving the church family a direction and guideline to use in planning ministries, activities, and setting goals. We first chose a motto:
"To Know Christ and to Make Him Known."
Although this may seem like an obvious statement, the council felt it was important to put it on paper and to use it as an overall guide on which to base many of the other statements.
Next we set about stating the values of the church. These are things that we put first in the life of the church.
Parkview Baptist Church Values Statement:
We Value the Bible – the preaching and teaching of God’s inerrant Word, to have a firm knowledge of Scripture a well as apply it to one’s life.
We value Prayer and Worship – personally and corporately communing with and attributing worth to the Eternal, Almighty, Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We Value Evangelism – sharing the Gospel in a relevant manner to those without Christ in our community and beyond . . .
We Value a loving Fellowship – strengthening our community of believers in such a Christ-like manner so as to encourage others to be drawn to His Life.
We Value Discipleship – the intentional and relational development of believers to become mature followers of Jesus Christ.
From these values, and using our motto as a guideline, Pastor John and the council introduced this mission statement: Reaching into our community and beyond through effective and relevant contact points to leave a lasting and ever increasing Jesus footprint.
We pray these statements will serve to guide the church in each new step we take, for His glory! Come be a part of what the Lord is doing here!